Tuesday, February 01, 2005

State Chairs Endorse Dean for DNC Chief (Washingtonpost.com)

I'm tellin' you. Change is comin'. It's time to either lead, follow, or get the fudge out the way! Democrats can't beat Republicans playing the "me too" game. Throwing the words "morals," "values," and "God" into your speech vocabulary isn't going to do anything. It's like being upset about your weight so you buy different clothes to make you look better. It doesn't significantly change anything. You haven't solved the problem!! (and I speak from personal experience) You can't solve a problem by telling yourself it doesn't exist.

All this time the establishment is spending trying to slow down Howard Dean could be spent on making positive change. The Democratic Party status quo crew is more concerned with being important than bringing change for America. Honestly, how many of you really wanted to vote for John Kerry? How many of you really wanted him to be your president? I'm not talking about "as opposed to Bush," cuz that's a given. I'm saying how many of you really felt confident in John Kerry being the next president? Think about it for a second.

I sure didn't have confidence in him, I just didn't want any more Bushit. Kerry voted for the war, voted for No Child Left Behind, voted for Bush's tax plan, and then tried to say the man wasn't doing a good job. Of course Bush is doing a horrible job, but you helped him out! And you know this, mannnn!!! You can't have someone leading the party who doesn't represent the hearts and minds of the people in the party.

Stop playing politics. It's a new day for Democrats. Come hard or don't come at all.


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