Friday, April 08, 2005

What's So Different?

Ahh...I have a headache. Not a major one or anything like that- praise be to God- but significant enough that I know it's there.

I hadn't intended on blogging this evening because there's a wealth of stuff I want to write about, but I didn't want to get sucked in and spend my whole evening blogging (it can be very addicting).

But why not?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why praise god? sorry but it really gets to me that folks view themselves in the dark ages believing in gods and supreme beings.
Look at the world and space as a whole, do you really think that a god made this???
let's stop all of these wars in the name of religion!

10:36 PM  
Blogger Talib said...

I agree that we should stop all wars in the name of religion and never engage in them again; but I believe because I believe in the Supreme Being, the Creator, God, Allah.

Look at the world and space as a whole, who else do you think created all of this? Who else could have crafted such beauty as the celestial bodies, the vastly interconnected Earth, and the intricate mechanisms of the human body? Only a being of great power and magnitude could have caused this to be.

11:32 PM  

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