Saturday, April 02, 2005

Back on the Grind

Man, I really don't like to have gaps in my postings. If I had my way I'd have multiple postings every day; but alas, the nature of the daily grind forces us to prioritize our time.

I got some encouragement from one my boys today; that felt good. I wasn't sure if peeps was actually reading this. I gotta get a Site Meter account or something like that. Big ups to Shuttabug for dropping some comments and showing me love. Much appreciated.

I went to a hip hop show tonight- y'know, rhymes, spoken word, etc. Usually there's more going on like breakdancing and such, but I arrived late so maybe I missed a few things. I was hoping to read some of my own stuff but the open mic was over by the time I got there.

I've been thinking about posting some of my stuff...maybe I will.


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