I thank God for my mother, she raised me with a great set of values. One of those values is to respect the opinions of others. While I believe I have a good job of that, at this point I must blatanly digress.
I think that to have same-sex marriage as your #1 voting issue, above the war, health care, the economy, etc. etc. is STUPID, DUMB, and IDIOTIC. For the record, I'm not in favor of same-sex marriage. I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. But to vote for Bush because you believe it is more important to keep gay people from getting married than to address an international conflict which may have unimaginable repercussions is ASININE. I cannot understand the mentality of people who voted to re-elect this president because of "moral values." How is neglecting the health care crisis in this country "moral"? How is turning a blind eye to the deaths of thousands upon thousands in Iraq based on faulty information "moral"? How is allowing the gap between the rich and poor expand tremendously "moral"? After these past elections I have lost my faith in the American people. I thought that after centuries of genocide, psychological warfare, and weapons of mass deception, that maybe, just maybe this country could be put on the right track. Apparently 59 million people think otherwise. I think it is no coincidence that the population centers of the country vote Democratic, or at least left-of-center; when you have so many different kinds of people living together there is a general feeling that each indentity group must be vigilant for the freedoms of others lest they lose their own freedoms. Hence, with the case of same-sex marriage, I would venture to guess that many people in the blue states don't necessarily
support it, but aren't going to fight to take away that "right" lest other rights be taken away from them.
Are people really that dumb? Are people really that dumb to believe this guy? Of course, there are some very intelligent people who like Bush because they agree with his and his administration's world view. I am not one of these people, and deep down there is this hope that if all 59 million people had more information other than about same-sex marriage, they would not be one of these people either. There was no connection between Iraq and 9/11. Bush himself said there was no evidence of such a connection. There was no connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin-Laden, although the vice president continued to make that assertion throughout the campaign.
Ugh. I don't know what else to do.