How I'm Feelin'
My mirror's reflection/lacks the detection/of valid results/of my inner inspection/mixed signals/of my identification/life moves too fast/at the speed of stagnation/as I/keep on/keepin' on/I wonder/if life's short end/will come/before too long/I try to penetrate reality/but my will/is flaccid/will I please the ancestors/as generations past did?/overcoming obstacles/runnin' through barriers/blastin'?/or succumb to persistence/and become another statistic?/but that battle/is already won/right?/just turned 25/still Black/and still alive/never been arrested/not too close to dead/college educated/I bought my own bed/but is that/the pinnacle/of our life aspirations?/descendants of slaves/in this greatest of nations?/so easy/to get confused/what is our goal?/what is my role?/the eager soldier/looking for a unit/but keep the G/cuz thugs/on the frontline/got barrells/faced inward/eye to eye/nose to nose/our body count climbs/as we go/blow for blow/just miseducated negroes/niggas/bitches/and hoes/are we even Black anymore?/sometimes I don't know/Africans claim they ain't Black/Blacks claim they ain't African/so it's no/small wonder/to see what's happenin'/the United States/of race/has my soul displaced/still searching/for my true name/and my family lineage trace