Monday, May 23, 2005


Honesty is the best policy, and I gotta be honest with ya'll.

I think the Democrats should vote on the judges instead of attempting to use a filibuster.

At first I was all about filibuster because even though the Republicans have a majority, the Democrats still represent Americans too, and they have to stand up for the people that put them in office.

But then I started thinking that this whole government shut down thing if the nuclear option goes through can make Democrats look like spoiled children. The Republicans won the majority of Senate seats, they have the power in the Senate- this is the reality which must be faced.

I know I'm the odd man out on this one, but the Democrats lost elections, that's why things are the way they are. Democrats have no one to blame but Democrats.

Republicans have been giving it to the Democrats for just over 10 years now, and it's too little, too late.

Now I don't want Bush's nominees making it to benches and think the GOP power grab is evil and dangerous. But as this point, it would be better to come up with a compromise, claim victory, and get ready for the 2006 elections.

Seriously, 2006 better be on the brain like white on rice. If Democrats try to shut down legislative activity it'll just make Democrats look bad which isn't good for...2006. See what I mean?

Democrats need to work on rebuilding the party and re-introducing themselves to the American people.

Oh and yeah, I do think the GOP power grab is evil, because when people concentrate on their own power that much- global domination even- they're leaving God out of the equation.

Are we the City on the Hill or the Golden Calf?

Just because you say you serve God doesn't mean you actually do.


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